Web Site Solutions for Clients
Pixelloom can handle your entire web site job, from leasing your domain name, designing the look of your site, building your site, writing or copyediting your text, selecting and embedding keywords for search engines in the text, and hosting the web site. We include monthly usage statistics for our hosting clients at no extra charge.
Of course if you already have a web site and are happy with your hosting company, we can usually work with your current host.
Here are things we take into account when designing our web sites.
- Fixed-price bid with satisfaction guaranteed.
- Modern, valid, style sheet driven pages, which make your site work on a range of monitor sizes and browsers.
- Responsive design, which means you can read your site on a phone or a huge computer screen.
- Look and navigation custom designed for your site, making it easy and pleasant for customers to traverse your site.
- We provide suggestions for content to include to entice your potential customers.